What comes after the verb? Verbs not followed by objects

In this lesson, we will focus on some intransitive verbs and what comes after these verbs. An intransitive verb is a verb that does require an object to complete its meaning. These verbs can express the action of a subject without the action passing to a receiver or object

There are a variety of word or phrase which can immediately follow an intransitive verb: prepositions, adverbs, conjunctions, gerunds or infinitives. These words that follow the intransitive verb can indicate “When, Where, How, or Why” regarding the action.


When:  He left at 2 o’clock. (preposition)                               Where:  He left in a taxi.  (preposition)

Why:    He left because he had an appointment. (conjunction)       How:  He left early . (adverb)


Most intransitive verbs can also be used as transitive verbs. The meaning of the verb usually stays the same, but it sometimes changes.

Same  meaning:       She reads until 1 o’clock. (intransitive)    AND    She reads the newspaper.  (transitive)

Different  meaning:     Our team always loses(intransitive)  AND   He always loses his umbrella . (transitive)


The verbs in bold below can also be transitive verbs.

# Verb # Verb # Verb # Verb # Verb # Verb
1.  ache 31.  cough 61.  forget 91.  lose 121.  seem 151.  swing
2.  act 32.  count 62.  get 92.  manage 122.  set 152.  take off
3.  adapt 33.  cover 63.  give 93.  march 123.  shout 153.  talk
4.  age 34.  crawl 64.  go 94.  matter 124.  shudder 154.  teach
5.  appear 35.  cry 65.  grow 95.  meet 125.  shy 155.  think
6.  apply 36.  dance 66.  happen 96.  mourn 126.  sign 156.  travel
7.  arrive 37.  decrease 67.  hear 97.  move 127.  sing 157.  tremble
8.  ask 38.  demonstrate 68.  hide 98.  need 128.  sit 158.  trip
9.  bark 39.  depart 69.  immigrate 99.  oblige 129.  sizzle 159.  try
10.  begin 40.  deteriorate 70.  impose 100.  obsess 130.  skip 160.  turn
11.  behave 41.  die 71.  inch 101.  panic 131.  sleep 161.  twist
12.  believe 42.  digress 72.  increase 102.  party 132.  slide 162.  use
13.  belong 43.  diminish 73.  jog 103.  pause 133.  smell 163.  vote
14.  blow 44.  distribute 74.  jump 104.  pay 134.  smile 164.  wait
15.  blush 45.  drill 75.  kneel 105.  pray 135.  snarl 165.  wake
16.  carry 46.  drive 76.  know 106.  put 136.  sneeze 166.  walk
17.  catch 47.  drop 77.  laugh 107.  rain 137.  snow 167.  wander
18.  change 48.  drown 78.  lead 108.  read 138.  soak 168.  want
19.  check 49.  economize 79.  lean 109.  recline 139.  speak 169.  wave
20.  chop 50.  enter 80.  leap 110.  relax 140.  spin 170.  wiggle
21.  click 51.  erupt 81.  learn 111.  remain 141.  sprint 171.  wish
22.  climb 52.  escape 82.  leave 112.  reply 142.  squeak 172.  work
23.  collapse 53.  explode 83.  lie 113.  report 143.  stagger 173.  worry
24.  collide 54.  fade 84.  like 114.  respond 144.  stand 174.  write
25.  come 55.  fail 85.  limp 115.  rise 145.  start 175.  yell
26.  complain 56.  fall 86.  listen 116.  roll 146.  stop
27.  continue 57.  feel 87.  live 117.  run 147.  study
28.  cook 58.  fill 88.  lock 118.  rush 148.  subside
29.  correspond 59.  float 89.  look 119.  sail 149.  succeed
30.  cost 60.  fly 90.  loop 120.  scream 150.  swim